Key Insights
“You get a lot of self satisfaction when you have got an idea, put it together and see it works.”
Identify Requirements And/Or Improvement Opportunities.
Conceptualise And Propose Solutions
Execute & Implement Solution
Measure Benefits
Communicate Benefits
Our Goal:
The Bin loading system consists of an overland conveyor of 650m to deliver material from the stockpile to two Bins (800T/ea) at the train load out.
Due to the time it takes to convey the material to the load out, and the limited bin storage space, the operators have to prefill the system with ore and time the train by counting the wagon as the train is approaching.
As a result, this can take up operator time and create variation between each operator’s reaction time when the feed is turned On and Off manually.
Our Solution:
In attempt to resolve these issues, the Feed On/Off control is automated so that it will take care of all the prefill requirements for the operator as the train is approaching.
The first step was for our engineers to understand the current manual operation, then model the process and finally implement the automated process.
As all calculations are handled in the PLC, the system will react much faster and with better timing and synchronisation, leading to higher accuracy and consistency.
Unlocked Potential:
By loading the bins and the conveyor belt with the correct prefill amount, customer has reduced the wagon overload & underload events, and the train can ramp up to its set-point speed faster without overloading wagons.