Radiation Management System Audit

Key Insights

There is nothing that bring more fulfilling than empowering other employees with knowledge and practical solutions to execute their task effectively and in a safe manner.

Evidence of this is testing the procedures written for radioactive sources on site.”



Understand the Purpose And Desired Outcome Of Radiation Management Plan & Safe Practices



Current RMP And Their Safe Work Practices

Identified All Equipment That Are Due For Calibrations



Setup Maintenance Strategies, Inspections And Procedures



An RMP That Is Compliant With The Regulatory Authority And Imparted Knowledge On Employees

Our Goal:

The site radiation management systems and safe practices were written in 2014 but never reviewed as it should be.

As part of the legal requirements to maintain the radioactive materials on site, the radiation management systems need to be current.

The ultimate goal was to review/audit, refine and further improve the current Radiation Management systems and their safe work practices.

Our Solution:

I’ve produced an analysis from the review of the current radiation management plan and safe practice system and the following are some of the achievements.


  1.  Reviewing/auditing and amending the current radiation management plan.
  2. Implementation and testing of the Isolation and de-isolation of the Online Elemental analysers.
  3. Implementation and testing of the procedures (i.e. Procedure for accepting or receiving a radiation source for safe)
  4. Familiarisation and handover of the radiation management systems back to site management for continuous safe practices

Unlocked Potential:

Measured benefits include engagement with operations and project teams to facilitate the investigation and information analysis of the relocated Sodern analyser and missing XRF unit.

Setting up of the maintenance strategies to maintain the equipment going forward. Setting up inspection sheets to track radiation emissions and radiation exposure.

Equipped site operations with knowledge and tools to execute the radiation management systems that complies with regulatory authority.