PI Historian Tag Cross Referencing

Key Insights

“Multiple benefits can be seen when other users are trouble shooting, searching for information and will combine will continue to provide long term benefit.”



Understand What Data Matters To The Customer



Develop Proof Of Concept Solution 



Implement Automated Solution Requiring Minimal Maintenance



Roll Out Into Production System

Our Goal:

The overall project goal is to automatically historise all important data from site control systems.

The goal of this component was to have a method of identifying if the PLC data is important

Our Solution:

Using the raw site PLC file to test whether a tag is used at all in the PLC logic.

If so, it is deemed important enough to include.

A simple solution implemented with knowledge on how the PLC export file is structured and implemented in a very short space of time – one day.

Unlocked Potential:

Innovation and exceeding expectations to encourage like minded problem solving.

We pushed to have it integrated into the overall project delivery so that it can be handed over to the client for long term sustainable use.